Open the Run command (Win + R), in it type: gpedit.msc and press enter.
Note: Windows 10 Home users have to sit this one out, it is only for Windows 10 Education, Pro and Enterprise editions. This is a halfway house: the group policy editor will notify you about new updates without automatically installing them (how previous generations of Windows always worked) - though again security updates will still install automatically. Windows 10 is the single operating system working across all Microsoft desktops, laptops, tablets. Note: If your PC uses an Ethernet cable to connect to the Internet the Metered Connection option will be disabled as it works with Wi-Fi connections only (silly I know).
Toggle ‘Set as metered connection’ to ‘On’.
Open ‘Wi-Fi’ and click ‘Advanced Options’.
While Microsoft doesn’t reveal its method of classification, this does cut down more frivolous updates which typically include new drivers and software features - both of which have already caused stability problems. Windows 10 offers users on metered connections a compromise: to save bandwidth Microsoft confirms the operating system will only automatically download and install updates it classifies as ‘Priority’. To re-enable Windows Update simply repeat these four steps, but change the Startup Type to ‘Automatic’
In ‘Startup Type’ (under the ‘General’ tab) change it to ‘Disabled’.
From the Services list which appears find the Windows Update service and open it.